Tell CA Regulators: Stop Dirty Factory Farm Gas

We're at a critical juncture in addressing the environmental injustices embedded in California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). Its current flaws perpetuate pollution and disproportionately harm marginalized communities.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) just released proposed amendments to the program, and it's seeking public input until February 20. Make sure they hear from you!

We need Governor Newsom and his appointed Board to move California toward truly clean energy solutions and remove the incentives for factory farms to produce and sell dirty credits that enable continued reliance on fossil fuels. And we need immediate, meaningful action to address the environmental injustices and abuses that have become inherent in the program.

Tell the California Air Resources Board and Governor Newsom to stop rewarding the biggest factory farm polluters for producing dirty “factory farm gas” that harms Californians and keeps our transportation system dependent on fossil fuels.

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Tell CA Regulators: Stop Dirty Factory Farm Gas
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