Tell CA Regulators: Stop Ignoring Factory Farm Gas

We need to hold staff at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) accountable for their deliberate exclusion of factory farm biogas from discussions surrounding one of California's flagship climate programs, the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).

A recent workshop revealed staff are intentionally ignoring the significant impacts of biogas on our environment and public health – and ignoring the voices of frontline communities and advocates.

Factory farm biogas is produced through anaerobic digestion of animal waste in massive cesspools and industrial-scale refineries. Despite its portrayal as an environmentally friendly climate solution, biogas production actually encourages the creation of potent greenhouse gases like methane and poses serious health risks to nearby communities, particularly in the Central Valley, where these production facilities are disproportionately located.

CARB is accepting public comments on their workshop until May 10. This is an important opportunity for us to urge CARB to address the exclusion of factory farm biogas from the LCFS discussions, and prioritize community health and environmental concerns.

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Tell CA Regulators: Stop Dirty Factory Farm Gas
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