Donate to Food & Water Watch

In the wake of the environmental catastrophe in Ohio and Pennsylvania, the responsibility of providing emergency support should not fall to nonprofit organizations such as ours. Still, right now, that is what’s happening.

Please consider investing in our critical effort to make sure the people of Pennsylvania and Ohio are not left behind by another massive corporation that puts profit before safety.

We take no corporate money to take strong, independent stands against anyone threatening our water, health, and environment. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you.

    Donations are 100% secure and tax-deductible.

Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
Consider becoming a monthly donor.
We will TRIPLE your first monthly gift!
$250 $100 $50
$35 $20 $
$50 / mo. $35 / mo. $20 / mo.
$15 / mo. $10 / mo. $
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