Donate to Food & Water Watch

Make a Monthly Gift and have it MATCHED $4-to-$1

To pressure decision-makers and demand they step up for our food, water, and climate, we need your help! Food & Water Watch doesn’t take corporate money. That independence means we can take bold action to protect our food, water, and climate. People fund us to work for people, communities, and our planet — and to fight like we live here!

    Donations are 100% secure and tax-deductible.

Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
Consider becoming a monthly donor.
We will TRIPLE your first monthly gift!
$250 $100 $50
$35 $20 $
$50 / mo. $35 / mo. $20 / mo.
$15 / mo. $10 / mo. $
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